Politics and Modern Life (Westerners' Qs)
Featured Video: Obama's Cairo Speech to Muslim World (co-hosted by Cairo University and Al Azhar)
Did Obama's Cairo speech change anything? Comment below
To learn more about West-Islam politics read:
Samuel Huntington's seminal article
The Clash of Civilizations
Rami Khouri's
Why is the Legacy of Confrontation so Strong?
Rami Khouri's
Rescuing Europe's Failed Middle East Policy
Harvard's John Esposito's
It's the Policy Stupid: Political Islam and Foreign Policy
On Kofi Annan's assertion that
Politics, not Religion, at Heart of Muslim-West Divide
Josef Joffe's
A World Without Israel
Tony Hotland and Muhammad Nafik's
West told to Cease Meddling in Muslim World
Heritage Foundation-Helle Dale's
Anti-Americanism and Responses to American Power
For more videos on the Muslim World go to
Fora TV
The Muslim West Facts Project Video Library
What was the feeling you felt when you heard the news about the resignation of the president?
JB Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
What pushed you to be able to go out there and demand for democracy? -Were you nervous?
JB Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
Although Islam appears to be the dominant religion in Middle Eastern countries, are there followers of other religions in these countries? If so, are they accepted by the Islam communities?
JW Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
How has things change since everything that has happened in Egypt?
ahsmith488@gmail.com, Univ. of Incarnate Word Biology major
How is your daily life compared to ours? Do you have to always be looking over your shoulder for danger or can you be at peace?
RS Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
I would like to know if theres people there of various religions? Are there catholics, christians, muslims, jews; and which religion takes over?
PS Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
Are they going to keep the presidential position and what do they expect in the next presidential leader? Or if not, what changes are they planning or do they expect in their government?
TM Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
What are the major political issues in Egypt today? How do you feel about all the major political issues that are going on today in Egypt and what is your position?
uiwtxstudent@gmail.com Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
When do you think Muslims and Americans will stop all the hatred and truly build understanding and respect for one another and each others country?
valerieannduran@gmail.com Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
Has the rebellions, looting, and fighting that has reached our airwaves affected the students at Al Azhar and the school itself?
lysee13@gmail.com Univ. of Incarnate Word San Antonio, Texas USA
How is that men get away with beating women as if it is not a big deal?
JB Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
Is the current crisis in Egypt having any affect on religions?? If so how and what is happening to these religions? You all think that this will result in a positive or negative outcome?
AA Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
In our country the bald eagle is considered to be symbolism of our freedom and patriotism. What animal do you all look up to?
YV Univ. of Incarnate Word San Antonio, Texas USA
Does the younger generation of Muslim women or men have an open mind regarding Christianity, and or American ways, as opposed to the older conservative generation?
MP Univ. of Incarnate Word San Antonio, Texas USA
Do you think discrimination and or racism towards your culture from the West has lessened, decreased, or remained the same in the recent years?
91mijo@gmail.com Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
How do Muslims feel about homosexuality. Is this something that is discussed at all? If there is a gay Muslim, are they treated like everyone else. Is there a difference in how Muslims feel on this subject and how Egyptians feel about it?
jahartman13@gmail.com Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas USA
Younger generations in the west have become much wiser and open minded compared to older generations. Hopefully this will continue and move our country in a positive direction. However many adolescents have become lazier, very spoiled and less respectful. Is this change similar in Egypt? Have younger generations become more open minded towards other religions and ethnicities? Do you think they will bring wonderful changes? Have they also lost respect for their elders or is it the same?
Anonymous Univ. of Incarnate Word San Antonio, Texas USA
What are stereotypes about the west that you have in Egypt? About customs, clothing or punishments for offensive behavior? Serious or humorous? As an example, stereotypes some people have about Egypt in the West are sandy deserts, pyramids and camels. I do understand this isn’t correct though
BG Univ of Incarnate Word San Antonio, Texas USA
How do you all view American students and our different religions and how does that affect your state of mind and why?
VG Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio Texas, USA
What do you think is the most basic reason for the protests in Egypt? And how should they go about fixing the problems?
CB, Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio Texas, USA
Now that President Mubarak has stepped down, will the people of Egypt rest, or will they go on further to change the dynamics of their political system?
JB, Univ. of Incarnate Word, San Antonio Texas, USA
Are Coptic Christians in Egypt Given Equal Rights? What is your opinion of the issue in the article below?
Al-Azhar asks Coptic Church to denounce US religious discrimination claims-Al Masry Al Yohm

Al-Azhar attempted to persuade Egypt's Coptic Church on Thursday to rebuff a US report claiming that Christians in Egypt were discriminated against.
The Coptic Church had--for the first time--welcomed an annual US report on religious freedoms, saying there was indeed discrimination against Christians in Egypt. The Church held the government responsible for the report's conclusions, since it had ignored previous criticisms.
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry, for its part, rejected the report, saying that Washington had no right to assess religious freedoms in the country.
The Islamic Research Academy, which is affiliated with Al-Azhar, will hold a meeting on 6 December to discuss the report following consultations with church representatives.
Al-Azhar spokesman Ambassador Mohammad Rafaa al-Tahtawi said the objective of the meeting was to take a "patriotic stance" representing all citizens, both Muslim and Christian alike. He said Al-Azhar considered the report "unacceptable interference" in Egypt’s domestic affairs.
The US State Department's international religious freedoms report, released Wednesday, details alleged abuses of religious freedoms around the world. This year's report criticized “the practice of religious discrimination against Christians and Baha'is” in Egypt, pointing out that they did not enjoy equal representation in high-level government positions.
The report went on to claim that converts from Islam to Christianity were subject to numerous restrictions, the most noteworthy of which was the refusal of the authorities to issue them new national identity cards reflecting their conversion to Christianity.
At Al Azhar, sometimes it is time for English class to start and I enter the classroom and find students praying. I do not know what to do in such a situation. I want to respect Islam and prayer but I also have a job to do and I feel I have an obligation to start class on time. Should I stop the person from praying and tell them class has started? Or should I wait to let them finish praying? Or something else? What should I do?
Project Coordinator
In a taxi in Cairo, I asked the driver to pull over on a bridge so I could take a picture. He did so and a police officer came and told him he could not stop on the bridge. My driver paid the policeman 20 pounds to let us go. What do Egyptians think of bribery? Do you think the police officer is morally wrong for taking money through the threat of force for himself? Or is it acceptable because the police officer does not get paid very much and must support his family?
Project Coordinator
In the West it is unacceptable and rude to cut in line ahead of other people who have been waiting, e.g. to buy a bus ticket, etc. In Cairo, I have seen people cut in front of others many times and no one says anything, is this acceptable? In the West, people will stop others from cutting in line and sometimes even fight if necessary to keep people from cutting in line. In America, waiting in line and making others wait in line is part of every citizen's responsibility, do Egyptians agree with this idea?
Project Coordinator
In Cairo, I have seen many people throw litter on the streets; cans, bottles, plastic bags, papers, etc. In Western countries, littering is illegal and people may be fined, people also feel selfish and ashamed to litter because it makes the city dirty and ugly for everyone. Do you litter? Why or why not? Do you think the litter in Cairo is a problem? Do you think littering should be illegal in Cairo?
Project Coordinator
What is considered to be the geographic capital of Islam and is it different for Sunni or Shiite Muslims?
Byron, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
How has globalization affected Muslim life in large cities and in small communities?
Patrick, Toronto, Canada (living in Korea)
How pervasive is support for secularism amongst the general population of Egypt?
Patrick, Toronto, Canada (living in Korea)
What do Egyptian people really feel about about fasting (Ramadan)? Are there any negative reactions?
Jihee, Seoul, Korea (living in New Zealand)
What do Egyptian people think is the most untrue image of Egypt outside the Arab world, especially in the USA?
Jihee, Seoul, Korea (living in New Zealand)
Is international marriage between Egyptians and non-Egyptians acceptable?
Michael, Auckland, New Zealand
What is the biggest "generation gap" in Egypt today between young adults and their parents? What is the biggest difference between your generation and your parent's generation (and your children's generation if you have children)?
Jihee, Seoul, Korea (living in New Zealand)
Patrick, Toronto, Canada, (living in Korea)
Patrick, Toronto, Canada, (living in Korea)
Are American and Western movies censored a lot in Egypt if there are scenes of homosexuality or sensuality?
Michael, Auckland, New Zealand
Why are there no democracies in the Muslim world?
Bob, Tucson, Arizona, USA
VIDEO: Are Democracy and Islam Incompatible?
VIDEO: Are Democracy and Islam Incompatible?
Do Muslims hold some animals more sacred than other animals? If so which animals are sacred?
Marlys (Dakota Sioux Native American) Tucson, Arizona, USA
Do Muslims have sacred plants that they use for medicine? Did they in the past?
Marlys, Tucson, Arizona, USA
What is your opinion of US foreign policy towards Iran? How do Egyptians view the Iranian nation and the government of Iran?
VIDEO: Iran and the West (BBC-3 parts)
Do you believe the holocaust really happened? Do you believe that 6 million Jews and over 5 million others (Poles, Soviets, homosexuals, disabled people etc.) were systematically killed by German Nazis trying to eliminate the German race? Do you think the holocaust is a lie invented by the West to justify the creation of Israel in Palestine?
Project Coordinator
What is your opinion of the Muslim Brotherhood? Do most Azharis support their views? About what % would you say? Will the Brotherhood gain power in the 2011 election?
On a flight from New York to Cairo there was a man in Muslim dress who was in the airplane bathroom for a long time praying. There was an American mother waiting with her child who had to go to the bathroom very bad, for a long time. She knocked on the door asking him to please hurry up. When he came out he seemed offended that she was impatient. Both were angry. What does Islam say about making others wait while Muslims perform prayers or other rituals? Also there was lots of water everywhere in the bathroom, on the mirror, on the floor, on the toilet, on the wall. Are Islamic ablutions more important than being considerate?
Project Coordinator
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