Why do you think the imam behind the NYC 'Ground Zero Mosque' choose that location? What kind of center do you think would be best? What activities should the center be for and for whom?

Project Coordinator


  1. i want to ask you why are you ask this question ?
    if the Jews set up this center you will refuse the Americans?
    I hope that will be held in that place a large complex of Islamic giant is a mosque and a charity to help the poor of all faiths and addresses Free Hospital who are unable, to see the Americans and the world that Muslims have the good of all people

  2. I think the activities should be open for everyone.

  3. Thank you for your comment Al Yamany. You asked me why I asked this question, do you think the question is not good? I aksed because I am curious to hear the opinions of Muslims.
    I think you are making an assumption about my views that is incorrect. I support the right of the imam to build the mosque at that location, the same way I support the right of Jews. All Americans are equal before the law, their religion makes no difference. I think your ideas for the activities at the center sound good. If you would like to read my opinion about the mosque you can read
    my blog post here

  4. Thank you for your commenT pen
    Essay good for building the mosque, and cooperation among the peoples who call it,your speech is excellent, and I agree with you, I greet you and I respect all the questions received on this site, and I hope these questions and answers is beginning of scientific cooperation and cultural between Egypt and America

  5. I believe that the main idea of building this mosque in this location is facing unreal charges that Islam support and encourage this attacks.
    And about what activities should this mosque or center be for, at least it should be as any other mosques that advices Muslims and explain Islam for Non Muslims. Also it will be great if Imam use 9/11 day to make open session to explain more and more to all people how is Islam ask us to make peace not wars.
