Is mixing of the sexes forbidden under Islamic law? Why and in what cases?

Project Coordinator


  1. In an interview with Asharq Alawsat, Sheik Yusuf Al-Qaradawi repsonded to this question:
    "What is meant by mixing of the sexes? Sometimes the term suggests something different from what is intended. This is as if it is mixing two issues together. If we are talking about man meeting woman in the mosque, as they meet in pilgrimage, mini-pilgrimage, scientific institutions, and scientific lessons, Islam does not prevent this. There are no mosques for women; what is known as Women's Gate at the Prophet's Mosque was ordered by the honorable Prophet, God's prayer and peace be upon him, in order to prevent men brushing against women. Islam has not ordered the existing severe separation between the sexes, because man is from a woman, and woman is from a man. God Almighty says: "The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil [Sura Al-Tawbah, from Verse 71]." Therefore, a woman has the right to enter the parliamentary and Shura councils. Women are half the society. Why can man decide the affairs of women, while women cannot decide and participate in deciding their own affairs?! When there is a need for mixing the genders in worship, education, or social activities, it is imperative to observe the Shariaa controls, such as absence of privacy, absence of excessive makeup, and observing the necessary ethics of lowering the eyes, and politeness in talking walking, and movement in order to prevent the situation from becoming chaotic."

  2. mixing of the sexes is forbidden in Islam in some cases like;where women and men are crowded together so that there is a danger of their making physical contact,the second thing repeated meetings break down the barries between men and women and allow arelationship to develop between them.
    ISLAM has closed all doors that lead to temptation and promiscuity.
