What is a fair solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict?

Lilly, Tampa, Florida, USA


  1. The fair solution for this problem, Israel return to the 1967 borders or leave Palestinian land completely without any terms. If this happens, there will be no more fighting and no hate and no war between them.
    Emad El-din, Cairo

  2. The fair solution for this problem, Israel return to before 1948
    every jews must be return to his country
    and every palestiny must be return to his country palestinian
    mis penjamin why are you stand up to israel ?
    do you forget what do jews do with jusus ?
    you must read Torah and the Bible even know what the Jews did to our master Jesus, peace be upon him

  3. Thank you for your comment Al Yamany. You asked me (Benjamin) why I stand up for Israel? Why did you ask this? The question is not my question and I do not stand up for Israel. I cannot understand why you ask if I forgot what Jews did to Jesus. Why did you ask this? Do you think this question is in some way supportive of Israel and not Palestinians? This is a misunderstanding of the question.
