Do you want Egypt to become an Islamic Republic? Why?

Project Coordinator


  1. Yes, of course because Islam is great. Allah loves us as humans, as his creation, as life. In Islam Allah put Man above angels. Allah made all angels perfect and obedient. They forever worship him. Yet we as Man have free will and can choose to do his bidding or not. And when we choose to do it we make Allah happy. For when he is happy with you Everything in creation is happy with you. The sun shall shine, the trees shall bow and mountains will move for you. Islam is truly the path for all mankind. Islam commands that one's environment must be cared for and protected and forbids polluting it in any way. It does so through the following means: It encourages planting beneficial plants and trees. It encourages the removal of anything that may inflict harm. It encourages quarantining those afflicted with diseases and epidemics in order to prevent its spread to other societies and protecting the lives of others. It forbids killing of animals and birds. It forbids polluting the society in any way. Islam is a very practical system of governance.
    Wadida, Cairo

    (adapted from

  2. What about all the Coptic Christians who live in Egypt? They are 8-10% of Egypt. How would they be treated if Egypt became an Islamic Republic?

  3. Yes, I like very much become an Islamic Republic of Egypt, because people will live in happiness and plenty, and security, and prosperity, and justice, and equality
    There is a difference between an Islamic state, and religious state, there is not a religious state in Islam as it is in the Christian West
    And Copts in Egypt also said Islam are Muslims in the rights and duties to them full freedom
    mir pen iam sure you donot know that

  4. Hello Al Yamany. Thank you for your response. Are you sure that if Egypt becomes an Islamic Republic that people will live in happiness and plenty, security and prosperity, justice and equality?

    I think you may be imagining a society like the Prophet's Medina, that will be perfect. Even if Egypt becomes an Islamic Republic, it will still be the same flawed, imperfect human Egyptians administrating government and making decisions.
    you said there is a difference between an Islamic state and a religious state, what is the difference?
    You also wrote "And Copts in Egypt also said Islam are Muslims in the rights and duties to them full freedom," can you make this more clear? I believe you are saying Coptic Christians in Egypt would have full rights and freedom in an Islamic state, do you think Copts would agree with you on this point? I do not.

    I also think there is a difference between true and perfect Islam and Muslims. Even if you believe that Islam is perfect, I think you can admit that Muslims are human beings, and they are not perfect. And Muslims (imperfect human beings) would be the government in an Islamic state. I do not believe they would have same full rights and freedoms that Muslims would have.

    Finally, how are you sure what I know and do not know?

  5. thank you very much mir pen for your comment
    i want to say one thing
    islam respect the others ?
    like this the name of alla

    42. Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah hath chosen thee and purified thee- chosen thee above the women of all nations.

    43. "O Mary! worship Thy Lord devoutly: Prostrate thyself, and bow down (in prayer) with those who bow down."
    Surah 3. The Family Of 'Imran, The House Of 'Imran

  6. There is something very, very important, do not know many people, this thing is that Islam is for all time and every place, was the law in many cases total, and leave the details by reality, for example , Islam required his followers to justice in the government system, leaving Details of the Muslims, President of the possible system, a parliamentary system as possible, the most important thing of justice, and so on
